Totally Serious

June 19, 2008

Got serious today with a home brew.

Ingredients: Salami, Cheddar Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Mustard, Mayo and S&P on a Crunchy Artisan Roll.

Stock Photo

June 19, 2008

Although I have not made any recent posts, I have still been eating sandwiches. It’s just that I have this brick of a camera that I never really carry around with me anymore. Luckily we’ve got the ol’ www, chalked full of google images to do the job. The following stock photos are of sandwich(examples) from this past week, dine-out style.


Yummy beach picnic dinner…minus the coffee.

Ingredients: Smoked Salmon, Cream Cheese, Onions, Capers on Whole Wheat Sesame Bagel



I think we all know what Subway is about.

Ingredients: Turkey, White Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Banana Peppers and Southwest Sauce on Whole Wheat.


I  Googled ‘chicken and brie’ and the photo came up below. The creepy part is that it’s from someone’s photobucket photo album from their ’06 trip to Vancouver. Weird coincidence cause it is in fact the exact sandwich I ate. Kudos to the anonymous tourist that documents their vacation sammies.

Ingredients:Chicken, Brie, Spinach, Fig Chutney and Garlic Mayo on chibatta….grilled.